Testing and Cases reported April 1, 2021

SEVEN new cases have been reported in the past 24 hours in Grey Bruce (2 Georgian Bluffs, 1 Kincardine, 1 Northern Bruce Peninsula, 1 Owen Sound – Includes 2 cases transferred from York Region (Blue Mountains) bringing the total confirmed cases to 834 (includes 46 cases of Variants of Concern (VOC), 17 active).

·  68 active case(s)
·  556 active high-risk contacts (“it takes a tremendous amount of effort to manage this number of high risk contacts. This number will keep increasing, unless we limit, starting today, our unprotected encounters with all people outside of our own households” Dr. Arra)
·  762 resolved cases
·  3 confirmed case(s) hospitalized in Grey and Bruce due to COVID-19
–  2 Grey-Bruce residents hospitalized outside of Grey and Bruce
·  4 deaths
·  84 cases reported in health care workers; reports health care workers living in Grey Bruce and working both in and outside Grey Bruce

Vaccine – Website – The Grey Bruce Health Unit COVID-19 Vaccination Program Plan

·  29,272 total doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Grey and Bruce

Vaccine Progress March 29 (publichealthgreybruce.on.ca)

Active Outbreaks:

·  1 Facility in COVID-19 outbreak. Reported in Hospitals

Provincial COVID-19 Data – https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

·       Provincial Testing Data
·       Provincial Hospitalization Data
·       Provincial Likely Source of Infection Data
·       Raw Data to Download – Provincial

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Resolved and Active Cases by Municipality