Nuclear Energy is a Moral Imperative for the future

To the Editor: From the time I saw Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, I was convinced that climate change would be the defining...

Remembrance is about adding to the historical record, not cancelling it

To the Editor: We live in an odd era where the approach of some is to cancel or attack historical figures as a way of...

An opportunity to be on the Right Side of History says reader

Dear Editor, Nearly four years ago, I wrote my first letter regarding the proposed Deep Geological Repository for spent nuclear fuel in South Bruce.  At...

Creating a Crisis in Health Care – vote to make a difference says reader

To the Editor: Doug Ford has learned an old trick from his buddy Mike Harris: how to drive a dump truck through our public system....

Ready to head out for the summer to share information says NWMO

To the Editor: As we get ready for warmer weather and longer days, our team at the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is looking forward...

Learning about nuclear reduces the fear says reader

Dear Editor, As we in South Bruce explore the opportunity to host Canada's Deep Geological Repository (DGR) for spent nuclear fuel, I think we need...

Growing momentum for safe long-term management of used nuclear fuel

To the editor, Recently I had the pleasure of being a keynote speaker and attending the South Bruce Nuclear Exploration Forum in Teeswater. It was...

Reader encouraged by high level of interest in Teeswater

Dear Editor, I recently had the privilege of attending the South Bruce Nuclear Exploration Forum, held in the Teeswater Community Centre. As a resident of South...

Nuclear waste is not a dirty secret says reader

To the Editor: Here in South Bruce, as we continue to explore whether we will become a willing host for Canada's Deep Geological Repository (DGR)...

Trudeau’s billions won’t fix our health care system says reader

To the Editor: $196.1 billion over ten years, including $46.2 billion in new funding is a lot of money but it’s not enough to revamp our health...