Stuff a Fire Truck to help mentor youth


The Hanover Fire Association and Giant Tiger store are joining forces for a ‘Stuff the Firetruck’ event in support of the Bruce Grey Mentorship program.

The mission of the program is to match children and youth with mentors who will help them build confidence and self-esteem.

“Unfortunately, some families struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis and just don’t have access to resources the rest of us take for granted.  And to top it off, growing up can be tough! With so many negative influences out there, the distraction of media, bullying and a multitude of conflicting voices, how does a child navigate these years alone?  That’s where Mentoring comes in. When a child is paired with a positive adult friend, they don’t have face these struggles alone. And this is what can make a huge difference in a child’s life.”  (

The program has several sponsors that include; The Leflar Foundation​, Intact Insurance,​​​​​Town of Hanover​, ​​edgewell Personal Care,The Rotary Club of Hanover,​The Cooperators, Hanover and Durham, ​​​​​​Neustadt Lions Club,  Kinsmen Club of Chesley, ​Walmart, ​Gemini Canada and several others, but there is always a need.

Stuff the Firetruck is being held on November 30th outside the Giant Tiger, however, donations of food, clothing and gifts are now being accepted at the location.

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