The Hepworth Anglers Club resumed the sixth year of the Spring Creek Restoration Project by planting trees along the stream banks.
Later two riffle beds and aeration structures were constructed in the stream.

Additional cover was provided by embedding cedar trees/root wads into the stream banks and by opening up side channels.
Summer students Colin Burchell and Edyn Hillman assisted with the restoration work, including working with Dr James Hamilton (Wilfrid Laurier University) monitoring equipment sites and gauging water flows.

Tom MacDonald was the local contractor for the 2018 portion of the Restoration Project, which was conducted under the guidance of Chris Cummings, Matrix Solutions. John Schwindt supervised the bio mass studies, which were taken to measure the results of the past years of restoration.
Thanks to Bruce Power, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for funding the 2018 restorations.