‘Red Coat Diaries’ a hit at Men’s Probus

Once again, the Saugeen Shores Men’s Probus club had a unique and interesting guest speaker.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Sgt. (ret’d) Regina A. Marini, brought stories of policing in the RCMP from a woman’s viewpoint to the group’s August meeting.

                    Sgt. Regina Marini addresses the members of Men’s Probus and their guests

Marini was among the first women to join the RCMP in a career that began as a young recruit in Falcon Lake, Manitoba, and spanned more than 30 years.  She recounted many stories of incidents and situations that she went through as a young ‘Mountie’.  Some of the stories were difficult to hear, others were funny with unbelievable situations that brought roars of laughter from the audience.

Marini brought with her some of the regalia that women have worn through the years and also the ‘Red Coat Diaries: True stories from the Women of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’, a book that recounts by officers themselves their unique stories and the contributions that the women of the RCMP have made.





The two-book series is made up of true stories by the women of one of the world’s most renowned police organizations, the RCMP.  The series was edited by three RCMP members, Aaron Sheedy, Veronica Fox and Marini who, in combination, have over 50 years of policing experience locally, nationally and internationally.

Sgt. Marini autographed copies of the book for members and their guests

The books are available through Amazon.

Marini, who holds a Law Degree from Carleton University, currently teaches college level courses in Justice Studies and is the Professional Development Director for Ontario Women in Law Enforcement.