Local police services receive funding

Four police services in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound are receiving a total of $832,500 from the Community Safety and Policing Grant, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker has announced.

The Ontario government is providing police services across the province with the resources they need to combat crime and keep communities safe by investing $195 million through the new Community Safety and Policing (CSP) Grant over the next three years.

Police Services in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound are receiving significant funding from this investment including:

·         Grey Highlands Police Services Board – $78,750
·         Hanover Police – $67,500
·         Owen Sound Police – $551,250
·         West Grey Police – $135,000

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“This support will play a crucial role in strengthening community safety in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound,” said Walker.

“Our government is addressing the concerns of our community,” said Walker. “That’s why we believe in putting resources directly into the hands of police services, as they are the experts in maintaining public safety and our primary partners in keeping Ontario communities safe.”

The CSP Grant provides police services with the necessary tools and resources to enable deployment of frontline officers where and when they are needed most, as well as support police services as they implement public safety and community policing initiatives that focus on local or provincial priorities.

Police services will be required to report annually on the outcomes of initiatives, such as an increase in support for front-line officers and/or an increase in community safety and well-being, for both the local and provincial priorities funding streams of the CSP grant program.

The CSP Grants build on the $105.4 million both the provincial and federal governments have invested to date to combat gun and gang violence across the province through the Ontario Guns, Gangs and Violence Reduction Strategy.