Grey Bruce to submit an OHT application

Grey Bruce Health Providers, from multiple sectors, have confirmed their intention to create an Ontario Health Team (OHT) across the geography of Grey and Bruce Counties in the Fall of 2019.

OHT’s are being introduced to provide a new way of organizing and delivering services in local communities.  Under Ontario Health Teams, the health care providers (including physicians, home and community care providers and hospitals) will work as one coordinated team – no matter where they provide care.

Health care partners from across Grey Bruce have met several times since the release of the People’s Health Care Act legislation introduced earlier this year.

In a media release from the Kincardine Family Health Team, “There is a strong consensus among the providers that given the many integration activities already underway in our geography that Grey Bruce is well positioned to pursue an application to become an Ontario Health Team.  It is our intention to observe and learn from the early approved OHTs over the summer and expect to submit a readiness assessment for consideration by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care in the fall of this year.”