Block Party concept a hit with young families

There was no doubt that the Bruce Power BLOCk PARTY new format was a hit.  Originally, the Bruce Power Beach Party, it was held at Port Elgin Beach every second year however, this year Bruce Power decided to change things up and move UP town.

While there were reservations about the idea, it apparently was a popular move.  According to many young parents with young children, the new format and location provided more entertainment for their children.  From circus rides to face-painting and balloon artistry to the special ‘cirque du soleil’ style show held in the Missionary Church building, it was a complete family event.

Bruce Power free water bottles were a definite hit handed out by … (L-R) Cathy Sprague, Kevin Kelly, Chris Mercanti and Christine Kelly

Coraline Lutz,Clara and Ella Mombourquette were into face painting

What kind of animal do you want asked the balloon clown

Councilor Dave Myette and James Scongack, V-P Bruce Power Corporate Affairs were spotted in the crowd

Communications guys – (L) Brian Longmire, 98theBeach radio morning man and John Peevers, Bruce Power Communications

Girls excelled at the ‘rock-climbing’ mountain

Addison and Briar McKay were seen on the ferris wheel with grandma Anne McKay – someone said grandma was terrified of heights but toughed it out for the grandchildren!
                                        Hundreds filled the Missionary Church building for each of three shows

 Agility, flexibility and strength

Aerial artist wowed the crowds

In addition, moving the entire event to the central uptown area, did not hinder the attendance at the fireworks held that night at the Port Elgin Harbour as thousands turned out to take in the show.