Young Naturalists take to the out-of-doors year round

According to the Owen Sound Field Naturalists (OSFN), the club offers a full schedule of outdoor events that get members outside at all times of year, in all types of weather, to search out and enjoy the flora and fauna of our area. Through these outings, members learn more about the birds, plants, mammals and geology of this part of Ontario.

For aspiring young nature enthusiasts, the OSFN organizes a Young Naturalists (YN) Club and, from September to June, the club of young people gets involved in learning about the natural world. They build and install nesting boxes, visit a local fish hatchery, learn how to snowshoe, and participate in other educational year-round activities related to nature. Financial assistance can also be provided for a young person to attend a nature-related camp each year.

On February 10th, the YN took a snowshoe hike to view the endangered butternut species of tree and to see if they could spy any coyote tracks.  On their trek, they found a tree where five porcupines have been living and, because they have destroyed parts of the tree, it has provided a source of food for many rabbits.

Photos by Jamie Pettit

Then, over an open fire, kids and parents were able to experience toasting delicious bannock and learned how not to burn it.








The Young Naturalists’ Club is for children aged 7 to 12 years old. Younger and older children are welcome, however ages under 7 must be accompanied by an adult during each meeting. They typically meet once a month from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm (please note offsite trips are planned) but, for some events, the times may vary. The program operates from September to June but with no meeting in December. Parents and guardians are encouraged to stay and participate or volunteer if they wish.

Registration is based on first-come first-served basis. Cost is $20 per person or $40 for a family plus Field Trip Costs.  Current Members of the Owen Sound Field Naturalists are welcome to register their family to attend!

The Young Naturalist Club Program Coordinator is Jody Johnson, Owen Sound Field Naturalists. For further Information, please contact Jody at or 519-370-2000