On November 9th and 10th, the sounds of eager sled dogs, mushers and canine enthusiasts will fill the air at MACGREGOR POINT PROVINCIAL PARK, as excited teams wait their turn to compete at the MacGregor Point Dryland Sled Dog Derby.
The SLED DOG SPORTS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO (SSASO) & MACGREGOR POINT PROVINCIAL PARK have teamed up again to bring the sled dogs back into the park! This will be the fourth year you can come out and see these amazing canine athletes and the humans that cherish them.
A dog sled derby is a unique, cultural, educational, and exciting event that lets dogs to do something they love – run! Last year there were nearly seventy class entrees from all over Ontario, Quebec and the U.S. and we anticipate these numbers will grow this year!
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During the Derby, each race team must compete in the same race class, with the same dogs on both the Saturday and Sunday races. The fastest accumulated time determines the winners. Designated race viewing areas will be set up for spectators. Visitors are encouraged to meet mushers and their canine athletes, and to ask questions about the sport and life style they enjoy so much. Information is available on the website (www.ssaso.ca) about sled dog history, and how to get started in canine harness activities.
Friends of MacGregor will be onsite offering breakfast and BBQ lunch items, coffee, hot chocolate and treats over the weekend. There will also be a Raffle at the park Visitor Centre to help raise funds for next year’s event.
Park Ontario issued day use parking passes can be obtained through the parks administrative building.
Spectators are welcome to come out and enjoy the fast-paced world of sled dogs on November 9th and 10th, 9:15am-3:00pm at MacGregor Point Provincial Park, just south of Port Elgin.
Note: Visitors are requested to please ask the musher before approaching the dogs.
**Please remember to leave your pets at home!**
Admissions to the races are by donation
Dry land Races/Class offered Saturday & Sunday:
1 Dog Canicross (running with your dog) 2 Miles Races
1 Bikejoring (biking with you dog) 2 Miles
2 Bikejoring (dog bike) 3.5 Miles
1 Dog Scooter 2 Miles
2 Dog Scooter 3.5 Miles
4 Dog Rig 3.5 Miles (3-4 wheeled carts)
Kid and Mutt (1 dog) 100 yards to 400 yards (age 4 –12)
Novice classes are offered on Saturday to try out the sport in the 1 Dog Canicross (2 mile) and 1 Dog Bikejoring (2 mile) race classes. Please register before the event, information can be found on the web page.
SSASO is still looking for sponsorships, donations and in-kind donations. We are also looking for volunteers for set-up (Friday, November 8th), take down (Monday, November 11th) and help during the weekend.
More information:
Website: www.ssaso.ca
Facebook group: MacGregor Point Park Dryland Race