It IS the LARGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR in Grey-Bruce region north-west of Toronto. It is a giant fishing derby called the Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular. This ten-day celebration kicks off on Friday August 24th on Georgian Bay and runs until noon on Sunday September 2nd.
It is a big deal because the SALMON SPECTACULAR:
- boasts 150-thousand dollars in prizes including 26 boats
- attracts 45-hundred anglers
- participants pump two million dollars to the Owen Sound economy
- features great family entertainment attended by 50-thousand people
- profits support valuable conservation projects including major fish stocking

So what’s new this year? Well, the actual fishing territory has expanded east to Delphi Point at Indian Brook east of Thornbury. This larger fishing zone should attract hundreds of new anglers to make this derby the biggest Salmon Spectacular ever.
This is year 31 for the big fishing festival which is supported by nearly 300 sponsors. 400 volunteers make it all happen at the action spot the giant 300 foot tent at the Georgian Shores Marina on the Owen Sound waterfront. If you would like to volunteer please email derby co-chair John Ford
Over 31 years this derby has attracted more than 150-thousand anglers.
At the 2018 Salmon Spectacular sponsors day luncheon, Bruce-Gray-Owen Sound MP Larry Miller paid tribute to those who make this celebration so successful. Miller said “this would not happen without you sponsors and the hundreds of volunteers that are vital to the continuing success of this big festival”. Miller noted “recreational fishing is a family tradition and this derby plays a huge role in encouraging young people to carry on this great Canadian pastime. He added “this is a Canadian tradition we should all be proud of”.
Georgian Bluffs Mayor Alan Barfoot noted “this is a wonderful time for the great camaraderie the derby generates”. Barfoot noted “the derby pumps huge bucks into our community and that’s a very good thing”.
Over 31 years this derby has attracted more than 150-thousand anglers.
The ‘Fishfinder’Gary Byers interviewed 2012 Trout and Rainbow Trout winner Stu Paterson with his winning 40-inch Rainbow
So why am I so excited about this upcoming event. We find fishing relaxing. Remember that old saying “those who fish, often don’t realize it is not fish they are after”. But it can be exciting. I know how it feels to be up there on the stage in the “winners circle” holding a big fish. In 2012 Nancy and I won the trout and rainbow trout categories in the Salmon Spectacular with a 40-inch rainbow trout. We will be cheering on the 2018 winners as folks cheered us on. We have nothing but respect for those who stage this big fun derby so congratulations to all
On now to the fishing. Have fun! Be safe. Catch fish and enjoy the excitement, the great entertainment and good food at the 2018 Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular Festival.