Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has been awarded the 2021 Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) Gold Program of the Year, for biodiversity programs at the Western Waste Management Facility (WWMF).

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Gold Certification was awarded to the Western facility in March 2021. While other OPG operations have received Gold Certification, this is OPG’s first Program of the Year recognition.
“This achievement recognizes the extent of our commitment to improve habitats and biodiversity at the Western facility while engaging the community in educational awareness,” said Jason Van Wart, OPG’s Vice President of Nuclear Waste Management. “Across OPG, protecting and nurturing Ontario’s biodiversity is a fundamental part of our operations and part of our climate commitment in action.”
The Program of the Year honour, an international award announced during the WHC Annual Awards virtual conference, goes to only one recipient, based on the depth of the program. It recognizes the best among the companies who received gold certification for their 2020 programs. This year, there were 32 international candidates.
“Ontario Power Generation’s Western Waste Management Facility has exceeded the standard set for Conservation Certification,” said Margaret O’Gorman, WHC President. “As a WHC Certified Gold program, WWMF demonstrates an exemplary employee and company commitment to the management of its forest, grassland and wetland habitats.”
OPG’s diverse list of projects, implemented in partnership with biologists and conservation groups, included:
- managing an old-growth forest, a wetland, natural grassland areas, and invasive species,
- habitat improvement projects for birds, reptiles, and amphibians, and,
- awareness through community-engagement programs in Bruce County. Learn more about how OPG is using nature-based solutions to help tackle climate change and increase resiliency as part of our Climate Change Plan.
“Congratulations to Ontario Power Generation for receiving this terrific honour from the Wildlife Habitat Council,” said Bill Walker, MPP, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound and Associate Minister of Energy. “This is a well-deserved recognition of OPG’s commitment and dedication to the conservation and preservation of our local wildlife and their natural habitats.”
Other OPG facilities with Gold Certification include:
- Niagara Operations
- the Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations
- Eastern Operations hydroelectric group and its dual-fuelled Lennox Generating Station
- South Central Operations
- Wesleyville site
The Wildlife Habitat Council certifies conservation programs on corporate lands around the world and promotes environmental management through various partnerships and education. Learn more at www.wildlifehc.org.
About OPG: As a global climate change leader and the largest, most diverse electricity generator in the province, OPG and its family of companies are helping lead the charge to a post-carbon economy.