The Municipality of South Bruce’s #NextGenNetwork – a new monthly event geared towards the next generation of South Bruce leaders – held a successful community cleanup in the villages of Mildmay and Teeswater on Wednesday evening, with nearly 30 community members helping to pick up litter across both downtowns.

“It was fantastic to have dozens of community members come together as neighbours to make a small difference by participating in this event,” said Annie Leppington, Development Student with the Municipality of South Bruce. Leppington has been helping organize the monthly events over the course of her summer position in South Bruce.
“We encourage more people to join us at these monthly events, as they create a welcoming environment to engage, share ideas, and build up South Bruce positively,” she added.
The monthly #NextGenNetwork events have been taking place since April, with the cleanup being the first in-person activity. Past events included a virtual trivia night and a mini-workshop with GHD Limited as part of the Willingness Study.
The #NextGenNetwork concept was created as a result of the 2021 South Bruce Youth Engagement Strategy Report, which aims “to see youth fully engage, informed and thriving in their community of South Bruce.” The Report, which was created with input from young residents, also included several strategic actions for the Municipality, including “to host and support family and community initiatives”, and “to connect with youth and provide the support and information they need to create the future they want for themselves.” A small group of engaged young residents volunteer their time to coordinate these events and come up with ideas, and are supported by Municipal staff.
The next monthly event is scheduled for August 19th, and will have more details forthcoming. Any South Bruce resident under the age of 30 who wants to receive updates or participate can contact Steve Travale at