On Friday December 4, 2020, Representatives of the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board (BGCDSB), joined officials from the Municipality of Brockton and the County of Bruce, for an official opening ceremony and blessing of the new child care addition at St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School Walkerton.

Ontario’s Minister of Education Stephen Lecce sent a video message for the celebration. “Today’s announcement is great news for hard-working Brockton parents,” said Lecce. “Providing affordable, high-quality child care is essential for restarting the provincial economy. Our government is listening to families, delivering on their behalf, and taking real action to get Ontario through the COVID-19 outbreak.”
MPP Lisa Thompson was on hand for the ceremony. “This expansion continues to demonstrate our government’s commitment to families in Huron-Bruce,” said Thompson. “I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of offering child care on location at an elementary school. I am confident that families in the Walkerton area will be well served through this provincial investment,” she added.
Contractor Allen-Hastings Limited completed the project November 20, 2020, and Brockton Child Care Centre was able to begin using the new spaces November 23, 2020.
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The project, funded by the Ministry of Education, provided two additional childcare rooms to support a toddler room and a preschool room, creating 39 additional spaces for the child care.
The cost of the project was $1,628,489.00.
Brockton Mayor Chris Peabody was also on hand for the celebration. “I’m thrilled to announce the opening of these new classrooms. The Municipality is grateful for the support from the Province, the County of Bruce and the continuing partnership with the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board to make this happen. I would like to extend special thanks to MPP Lisa Thompson and Premier Doug Ford for their support. With this addition, the waitlist will be reduced and allow us to serve more local families with their childcare needs.”
Bruce-Grey CDSB is very pleased to continue our partnership with the Brockton Child Care Centre, demonstrating our mission to “ensure quality learning experiences through community partnerships”.
Fr. Les Szczygiel, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Walkerton, bestowed a blessing upon the new addition.
Chair of the Board, Lori Di Castri, shared the words of St. Teresa herself. “‘I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.’ We are so happy to be in partnership with Brockton to provide childcare spaces in a caring safe environment here at St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School. We are blessed to welcome children and families into our school every day. I would like to extend a special thank you from the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board of Trustees to Premier Ford and Minister Lecce for funding the creation of the additional spaces here at St. Teresa helping working families in our area.”