MPP Walker welcomes Finance Minister Rod Phillips to Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound for budget consultation

On Tuesday, January 28th, Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker was pleased to welcome Ontario Minister of Finance Rod Phillips to Owen Sound for a 2020 budget public consultation.

A number of community leaders from the municipal, health care, agricultural and other sectors attended the meeting and offered their suggestions and advice on how to make life more affordable, invest in critical public services and balance the budget by 2023 through public consultations for the 2020 budget.

The government is looking for ideas that will help build Ontario together by putting jobs, skills and workers front and centre, while continuing to focus on putting more money in people’s pockets, connecting people to places, building healthier and safer communities, and making government smarter.

“The Ontario Budget impacts us all. It is important for us to hear first-hand from everyone across the province about the priorities they feel should be included in our plan to build Ontario together,” said Minister Phillips. “Together, we can make this vision a reality and enable a better quality of life and high standard of living for all our citizens.”

“I am very thankful that Finance Minister Phillips has taken the time to hear directly from residents in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound about their priorities ahead of the next budget,” said Walker. “Our government is committed to ensuring that communities and businesses across Ontario have the support they need to create jobs and succeed.”

Minister Phillips and Parliamentary Assistant Stan Cho will be hosting community budget consultations along with MPPs across the province to hear directly from Ontario’s hard-working individuals, families and businesses.

Visit to learn how to attend a consultation, or to submit your ideas by email, mail, or by filling out a survey. Budget consultations will close February 11, 2020. Written submissions can be made to:

Following the budget consultation, Walker and Phillips toured BWXT Canada’s Owen Sound manufacturing facility with BWXT President, Nuclear Power Group John MacQuarrie, BWXT Shop Supervisor Bryon Doucette, President and CEO of Bruce Power Mike Rencheck and Bruce Power Executive Vice-President of Corporate Affairs and Operational Services James Scongack.