Funding provided for Seniors through Community Grant Program

Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker has announced that three local organizations have received a total of $18,999 through the Seniors Community Grant Program. 

Ontario is investing up to $4.5 million through the Seniors Community Grant Program to support over 180 diverse community projects that will enable older adults to stay connected with their communities from the safety of their home and will help them maintain their physical, mental and social well-being as they continue to self-isolate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Walker announced the following grants through the program: 

* Colpoy’s Bay Women’s Institute received $2,150 for a project that will deliver a series of virtual information sessions to learn and ask questions about COVID-19 and health targets rural remote seniors which will increase community engagement, reduce social isolation and increase mental health.

* The Town of Hanover received $6,489 for a project that will allow the Hanover Age Friendly Committee to produce, print and distribute an easy-to-read comprehensive booklet containing local and regional content with a focus on local older adult programs, agencies, support and services increasing access to information which was identified as a priority in the Age-Friendly Plan.

* Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation received $10,360 for a project that will support the purchasing of Chrome Books and iPads along with IT support and training to ensure shut-in seniors in the remote Chippewas of Nawash First Nation have access to a variety of health management programming and other social engagement opportunities.

“The Seniors Community Grant projects are of great benefit to Ontario’s older adults, especially during these challenging times,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “Helping seniors access programs and services while they remain at home has tremendous health benefits, including helping to keep them safe and out of the hospital.”  

The funding is being provided to help non-profit organizations, local services boards and Indigenous groups develop programs that will:

  • Help older Ontarians receive the support they need in their community, reducing demand on acute and long-term care 
  • Ensure Ontarians are less at risk for neglect, abuse and fraud, and that their rights and dignity are protected 
  • Ensure more older adults are connected and engaged, reducing social isolation and leading to wellness and better health 
  • Provide more opportunities for older adults to achieve greater financial security and engagement within the community. 

“These projects will make a big difference in the lives of our local seniors in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound by helping them maintain their autonomy and independence,” said Walker. “They will also help to provide meaningful opportunities for older adults to connect with their communities without risking their health. The health and safety of Ontario’s older adults remain a key priority for our government. The province is working to ensure that seniors are connected to the programs and activities in their communities that help improve their safety and overall wellbeing.”