Bruce County is about to begin the recruitment process for a new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) after current CAO Sandra Datars Bere announced her resignation.
Datars Bere will remain until the end of the year (2021) when she will return to the City of St. Thomas as its new City Manager.
Datars Bere began as Bruce County CAO on May 11, 2021 and, according to a County media release, successfully guided the municipality through the timeline of the pandemic while continuing to enhance essential services through initiatives related to fiscal responsibility, health care, community growth, and economic development and, in particular, brought her expertise to long-term care homes in the County.
Warden Janice Jackson says, “On behalf of the entire County, I would like to thank CAO Sandra Datars Bere for her public service and guiding leadership that saw us through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sandra has helped build a foundation of modernization, good governance, and people-first support for our community. We wish Sandra well in her new position.”
Datars Bere added, “Thank you to my Bruce County colleagues. It has been a privilege to work with this motivated Council and Staff group, supporting a healthy and strong community through these challenging times. Thank you also to Bruce County’s business community, residents, and care providers. Under Bruce County’s talented leadership team, I see continued success and a bright future.”
Bruce County Council will discuss and make decisions on next steps for County management in the days and weeks ahead.