South Bruce Grey Health Centre’s (SBGHC) Board of Directors has approved the submission of an application to the South West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) for a CT scanner at the Kincardine hospital.
The Board supported the submission of an application based on a number of factors including the demand for CT services at the Kincardine site, the ability to improve the staff and patient experience, and a desire to reduce patient transportation costs.
“Kincardine has the highest demand for CT scans from emergency department visits and inpatients across the four sites of SBGHC. In addition, SBGHC is currently incurring significant costs to transfer patients between Kincardine and Walkerton when a CT is required,” says Michael Barrett, SBGHC President and CEO (Interim).
“Consideration of this application would not have been possible without the generous support of the Kincardine and Community Health Care Foundation, who have committed to funding the complete cost of both the equipment and renovations, if the application is approved by the LHIN,” explains Larry Allison, SBGHC Board Chair.
“The Kincardine and Community Health Care Foundation is pleased to support the introduction of this very important service to the residents of Kincardine and area,” explains Becky Fair, Kincardine Foundation Board President.
In addition, with the current financial challenges facing SBGHC, the Board has clearly stated that the introduction of the CT cannot have a negative impact on the hospital’s operating position.
In preparation for the Board decision, a business case was prepared which demonstrated that the reduction in transport costs will cover the new operational costs associated with the CT.
The Board’s decision to submit an application to the LHIN is the first step in the CT approval process. Future decisions will be required to confirm the timing of implementation, the model of scanner, and where the CT will be situated. These discussions will occur following a response from the LHIN.