Bruce County is a compassionate and sharing community and the Human Services Department annually facilitates this generosity through the Christmas Program. The program began in 1996 with members of a local school suggesting that they provide gifts to local children in need rather than exchanging gifts amongst themselves. Over the years, the program has grown.
The fund receives both private and corporate donations of both money and toys or other needed items such as blankets or mittens. Additionally, the program matches sponsoring groups, who opt to provide for an entire family with what they need for their family Christmas from toys to gift certificates for groceries. Many of Bruce County staff sponsor children or families with members of their work team or own family. This confidential process allows for compassion in action. Children not directly sponsored receive a package from the general donations, which typically includes a toy, book, and item of clothing.
The program’s success is only possible through the generous contribution of time by our many volunteers that organize, shop, and wrap the gifts. The families receiving the gifts are grateful and appreciative for the support of the greater community.
The entire program budget is approximately $7500, funded entirely by donation and usually supports over 400 children/teens annually. In 2018, the number of children/teens supported has grown to over 500.
For more information about donating or sponsoring, contact Sarah Wupori by calling 1-800-265-3005