Chesley Bridge reconstruction moving forward

Following severe damage to the Chesley Bridge due to flooding in February, traffic to the downtown core of the town was seriously impacted and demolition of the bridge is now underway.

“The contract for reconstruction has been awarded to Looby Builders (Dublin). The submitted tender cost for the replacement of the Chesley Bridge located on Bruce Road 30 in the Town of Chesley is $2,500,206.97 including HST,” said Warden Paul Eagleson.

Bruce County’s Transportation & Environmental Services Committee accepted the staff recommendation on June 1st during the committee meeting.

The Engineering Consultant, B. M. Ross and Associates, has reviewed the tender submission and prepared a letter of recommendation to support the contract award.

Bruce County CAO, Kelley Coulter explains that, “The report also included a recommendation that the Municipality of Aaron-Elderslie and the County of Bruce enter into a Cost-Sharing agreement , which would outline the respective responsibilities and subsequent costs for the replacement.”

The cost-sharing agreement once completed, will identify respective responsibilities and subsequent costs for:

  • Watermain replacement

  • Purchase of storm sewer components

  • Sidewalks at the bridge approaches

With the approval of the staff recommendation, next steps will include County staff contacting the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie to discuss the tender results and the arrangements for the Cost-Sharing Agreement.

It is anticipated that work on the Chesley Bridge will start approximately two to three weeks after the award is finalized.

Chesley Bridge closed