In a recent media release, it was reported that Bruce County Council received the Closed Meeting Investigator’s Report dated December 31st and directed staff to report back to the Executive Committee on the outlined recommendations, as well as review and report back on closed meetings held over the past five years.
A complaint was filed with Bruce County’s Clerk on August 25, 2020 alleging that the Bruce County Executive Committee had contravened the Municipal Act and Procedure By-law for closed meetings held on September 8, 2016, March 2, 2016, April 6, 2017, May 4, 2017, September 7, 2017, and November 2, 2017 surrounding the contentious issue of the Anglican Manse house in Southampton.
The group alleged that the County of Bruce had improperly used the Bruce A. Krug Estate funds to purchase the adjacent land, with a view to expanding the Museum Archives.
The complaint alleged that these meetings were improperly closed, that the Chair failed to report on the closed portions in open session, that the closed meeting minutes were improperly circulated to Committee Members, and that an improper vote may have occurred during one of the closed meetings.
Bruce County took action and brought in Aird & Berlis LLP to independently investigate the matter, in accordance with the Municipal Act. Bruce County fully cooperated with investigators.
The December 31, 2020 Closed Meeting Investigation Report by Aird & Berlis LLP concluded that the Bruce County Executive Committee contravened the Municipal Act, the Procedure By-law, and the Closed Meeting Procedure with respect to the conduct of the meetings set out in the complaint.
The Report further concluded, however, that the closed meeting minutes were not improperly circulated to Committee Members.
According to Bruce County staff, it has made changes in its policies, practices, and procedures and has taken other steps to enhance accountability and transparency with respect to closed meetings in response to previous findings and recommendations.
A training session for members of Council and County staff entitled “Closed Session Best Practices” was held at the February 13, 2020 Executive Committee meeting. Bruce County Council acknowledges their highest responsibility is to provide good government for all stakeholders in an accountable and transparent manner.